We've 500+ Colleagues providing cover 24/7 365 days a Year
We're A Community Benefit (Not-for-Profit) Organisation
Providing vital Urgent Care Services across Greater Manchester

Greater Manchester Health Education & Training

BARDOC was successful in gaining recognition for their work in education and recently received accredited status as a GM training hub. We offer placements for students working towards careers as allied health professionals, which include Physician Associates, paramedic and nursing students. Students undertake clinical placements at BARDOC with a name clinical supervisor, and are given opportunities to develop their skills with direct appraisal. They are also in receipt of weekly tutorial sessions that have proven highly popular.

We work with three different learning institutions: University of Bolton, University of Manchester and University of Central Lancashire.

About Our In-house Education Programme

Quarterly, in-person teaching events are held by BARDOC where guest speakers are invited to speak followed by a dinner. Every 2 months, there is an online discussion forum titled ‘Clinical Senate’ where we discuss topics relevant to presentations seen in our services as well as learning from complaints, incidents, coroners cases and significant events. service updates are also shared here. delegates receive certificates after attendance to these events that support their continued professional development. This sector is looked after by BARDOC’s clinical lead for education and training and the people services department.